Professional Context
If you don't take money they can't tell you what to do. -Bill Cunningham (1929-2016) I was first introduced to Bill Cunningham and his philosophy on art, life and fashion when I watched Richard Press's documentary Bill Cunningham: New York. Cunningham was a photographer who painstakingly documented New York street fashion for decades from the vantage point
New Tools
The art challenges technology and the technology inspires the art. - John Lasseter (1957-) (Lasseter) So they have arrived. They are not mine mind you, they are the property of the Capilano University but they are in my house ready and waiting to be discovered. When I get expensive new technology I always seem to keep it
“Be regular and orderly in your life so that you may be violent and original in your work.” - Gustave Flaubert (Kleon 2008) At this juncture I am logging ‘my event’ which is to say that I am writing a reflective blog post that should have been completed at the end of November. There are many reasons
My Methodology
“Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.” - Anton Chekhov (1860-1904) Despite the 12 weeks dedicated to the two streams of this module I still feel I am at the very beginning of my understanding of the potential of practice-led research and the creative benefits of it. I think two key points for
Work Strategy
“When eating an elephant take one bite at a time.” - Creighton Abrams (1914 - 1974) My work methodology has developed from my work in animation. Years of production pipelines have led me to a systematic approach to solving problems as well as creating art. Because commercial animation is such a complex and labour-intensive art form involving